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Writing Portfolio

Written Samples

The following is a collection of some of my most recent work. The samples below is a compilation of applicable college work, documents produced during internships, and free-writing.

Tour de Cure Poster

April 2018

Diabetes is a threatening disease and Americans should be made aware of its consequences and effects on people everyday. I designed this flyer to raise awareness on a bicycle ride that ultimately fundraises for researching a cure for diabetes.

Mountain Biking in the Fog

Veto Message for SB 562

July 25, 2017

During my internship with California State Senator Jim Beall, I had several writing tasks that my supervisor assigned to me. One of the last assignments was to research SB 562 (the single-payer health care bill) and decide whether or not to write a press release or a veto message. If I believed that Governor Brown was going to sign the bill, then I was to write a press release as a reporter informing the public on the bill. However, if I believed that Governor Brown was going to veto the bill, then I had to write a veto message as if I were Governor Brown. After extensive research on both the bill and Governor Brown’s voting record, I decided that a veto message was most appropriate. It turns out that about a week later the bill was pulled from the floor of the legislature, seeing as Governor Brown indicated he would veto the bill should it be placed on his desk.

Contract Paper Signing

Ruling from Rules

March 13, 2017

This research paper was written as my final paper for my favorite and most applicable class that I have taken so far in college. The paper is comprised of a factual argumentative report as well as a personal response to the class simulation. Written winter quarter of my third year of college, I feel as though this paper is an accurate representation of some of my best writing due to the fact that I have grown as a writer over the years. Because the subject matter fascinated me, I put more effort into this assignment than assignments in previous classes. This piece highlights the growth I have had within my major during my undergraduate studies.


Additionally, this is now the class that I have chosen to be an advisor for by the same professor due to my proficiency displayed in the course and simulation.

government office

Statement of Teaching Philosophy

May 2017

The purpose of this writing genre is to communicate who I would be as a teacher to a professional audience of educators looking to hire an instructor. This was a new writing genre that I had never been exposed to in the past, so I found my experience in writing this paper both unique and challenging. I felt as though this style allowed me to express my own thoughts and beliefs while also presenting a level of professionalism to superiors. I wanted to include this piece of writing in my application because it exemplifies work in an upper-division writing class and represents a different genre than what I usually write.

In the Classroom
Portfolio: Project
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